I'm still not quite sure what i think about this book, so it might be a little tricky to review.
The Sweet Scent of Blood is an urban fantasy novel, which was definitely enjoyable, but i also found it a little confusing in places. Here's the basic overview.
The main Character Gen is Sidhe fey, the only one in London. This makes her incredibly appealing for vampires and the like because her blood tastes particularly good to them. Gens been trying to avoid the vamps for years and is working at spellcrackers.com where she gets protection from the witches council and is relatively safe, however, when the girlfriend of a celeb vampire gets murdered, his father comes asking for her help
-Thats how things stand at the start of the book, but the plot moves on quite quickly, so lots more interesting stuff happens.
The way this is set is sort of modern day london, but rather than with some urban fantasy books, where the vamps/weres/whatever are trying to hide from the norms, this one has everything out in the open and vampires have some celebrity status so getting the 'gift' becomes incredibly fashionable. There are also quite a few different types of fey involved. The characters are quite interesting, my favourites were Hugh, (who's a troll (in the police force) coming from a tribe in the cairngorms, Scotland), Malik (a vamp) and Finn (a satyr fey, who is rather lovely :) ). The main character is also interesting- without a lot of the whining that tends to come hand-in-hand with many of the leads in this genre - so although Gen had her problems, she got on with it and didnt moan too much :) bonus :)
There were lots of twists and turns and lots of excitement, along with some interesting concepts - such as being able to turn herself into an alter-vamp ego, although sometimes a turn would leave me going 'huh?' until i read on a bit, but it all made sense in the end and was lots of fun to read, so yeah, id recomend it if you're interested in the genre but want something more than the basic whiny girl + gorgeous guy + watery plot + urban fantasy concepts dealy (or even worse, gorgeous girl + gorgeous girl + even thiner plot). Its interesting and different to most of the ones i've read and although there are possible romantic attatchments [^^] and lots of sexy characters, it doesnt take over the plot.
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I'm reading this as part of my whats in a name challenge for the body part (its a bit weak, but blood is kindof bodypart like, and will have to do till i get something better :P) it is of course also being used in my 100+ challenge and is book number 51. :)
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