Wednesday, 11 November 2009

100 + challenge,,, desperate cheating time :P

The idea of this challenge was to read 100 books in 2009, at the moment i have 24 left to read and only 51 days, which is like 3 1/4 books per week. With my studies (and 2 re-takes to study for over the xmas holidays) i have come to the decision that my only hope of succeeding with this challenge is through cheating :P

How am i going to do this? Read children's books.

My mum asked me earlier to sort though a load of old kiddie books to work out which ones i was happy to get rid of, which at first i decided to check for the A-Z Challenge, before realising i had challenge gold dust before me (unfortunately none of them really had the letters i was looking for - I've got to the tricky point where its mostly X's and Y's left) I've also found charlie and the chocolate factory, which is on my reading project, so BONUS!

I know this isnt really completing the challenge properly but a books is a book is a book, and it'll be fun if nothing else, besides, i have some lovely ones like dodger and fungus the bogey man, so i dont think i'm missing out really.

Despite this i am still going to try my hardest to get through the 100, this is hopefully just edging me a bit closer, then maybe next year i'll be able to do it properly :P

Hope nobody minds too much - would you think its amoral or not?

i'm getting kindof guilty now :P