Saturday, 29 May 2010

New listy thing

Argh! I've lost my list :(

  1. Death's Mistress
  2. Terrible Tudors
  3. Crown Duel
  4. Court Duel
  5. Dragonfly
  6. Going Postal
  7. Remember Me?
  8. The Color Purple
  9. A Tthousand Splendid Suns
  10. A Pirates Pleasure
  11. Resenting the Hero
  12. The Hero Strikes Back
  13. Splendid
  14. Dancing at Midnight
  15. To Sir Philip with Love
  16. Prudence
  17. Beastly
  18. Boy A
  19. The Magic Flute - Iva Ibbotson (28/05/10)

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Reading Project - Finished Books

Last year i found a list of books online, claiming to be one published by the BBC with the claim that the average person had only read six of them. Looking through the list i realised that was exactly the number i had read, so i set about trying to make myself a little less of a failure.

This is the list of the books from that list as and when i finish them. Unfortunately i haven't always kept dates

36 The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe - CS Lewis (Primary School)
87 Charlotte’s Web - EB White (Primary)
9 His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman (High School)
61 Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck (High School - GCSE set text)
4 Harry Potter series - J.K.Rowling (Last one came out during high school)
21 Gone With The Wind - Margaret Mitchell (Lower sixth - College - April/May)
35 Persuasion - Jane Austen (L6 - College - 20/04/09)
1 Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen (L6 - College - 18/09/09)
48 The Handmaid’s Tale - Margaret Atwood (L6 - College - 23/09/09)
41 Animal Farm - George Orwell (L6 - College - September)
68 Bridget Jones’s Diary - Helen Fielding (Upper sixth - College)
5 To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee (U6 - College)
83 The Color Purple - Alice Walker (U6 - College - 03/03/10)

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Going Postal - Terry Pratchett

WOOO! My first full Terry Pratchett book! :D I've been wanting to try them for years but never got very far, i think perhaps because i was worried i wouldn't like; its well known that they are suited to a certain sense of humour and i was worried i wouldn't get it but was pleasantly suprised when it had me laugh out loud.

The reason i got into this one was my college book club, which i am trying to finish all the books for (although i did finish this one after the meeting :P). Suprisingly all but two other members either didnt read it or didn't like it, which is a shame because once you get past the rather peculiar 9000 year prologue then its rather gurrd.

The story is about a guy called Moist who was an expert conman who finally got caught. The lord of Ankh-Morpork decides, rather than killing moist he would put his skills to good use by making him head of the failing post office. After some failed escape attempts moist finally grows to his role, seeing it as another challenge to beat the competition and fool the world.

Apparently this is one of the worst T.P's to start on, but i found it fine. However, this might nto have been the case if i hadn;t allready tried to read various pratchett books in the past so had an overview of the world already. If you're in a similar situation, then i'd say this one is a great start into the world (as its relatively stand alone). Earlier i made the mistake of starting at the begining, but apparently his books have changed a lot over time, apparently even he doesnt like his earlier books so much anymore.

Anyhee, worth a go, i'm definitely going to look to read more of his books, perhaps starting with the one that comes after this one, which i am told is called making money, where moist's given the job of reforming the banking system.

Monday, 18 January 2010

TBR Challenge

This is a useful challenge for knocking books off that list that you've always wanted to read but never quite got round to... and mines pretty extensive. The idea is to create a set list of 12 at the begining of the year and either read one a month, or whatever until they are gone. Last year i tried this and knocked 5 off my list, so i'm going to have another go :) (although i am a little late starting :/)

To Be Read:
  1. I Hope - Raisa Gorbachev
  2. The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
  3. A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgees
  4. Eucalyptus - Murray Bail
  5. Dracula - Bram Stoker
  6. Nineteen Eighty-Four - George Orwell
  7. Atonement - Ian McEwan
  8. The Great Gatsby - F.Scott Fitzgerald
  9. Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
  10. Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen
  11. The Colour Purple - Alice Walker
  12. The Chronicles of Narnia - C.S.Lewis

Finished List:
  1. The Color Purple - Alice Walker (03/03/10)

100+ Challenge 2010

Woop, another year and my first challenge of the year :) i really like this one as it allows me to indulge in my reading habbit :P
The Challenge is pretty simple, 1 year, 100 books :) i managed it in 2009 (by the skin of my teeth) and would like to do it again :) I'll probably list books on here as i finish them (i've got a few under my belt already) and stick them in the sidebar too. Hosted by J.Kaye, who i'm very gratefull to :)

(oh, and this year i'd like at least ten of them to be classics, either modern or traditional ones)

100+ Challenge reads:
  1. Death's Mistress - Karen Chance (05/01/10)
  2. The Terrible Tudors - Terry Deary (12/01/10)
  3. Crown Duel - Sherwood Smith (17/01/10) -211 pages (re-read)
  4. Court Duel - Sherwood Smith (18/01/10) - 260 pages (re-read)
  5. Dragonfly - Juila Golding (19/02/10) - 398 pages (re-read coursework has left me with no time ):
  6. Going Postal - Terry Pratchett (21/02/10) - 463 pages (Book Club)
  7. Remember Me? - Sophie Kinsella (28/02/10) - 432 pages (re-read)
  8. The Color Purple - Alice Walker (03/03/10) - 244 pages
  9. A Thousand Splendid Suns - Khaled Hosseini (14/03/10) - 366 pages (Book Club)
  10. A Pirates Pleasure - Heather Graham (21/03/10) - 385 pages (re-read - 3rd time)
  11. Resenting the Hero - Moira J. Moore (30/03/10) - 285 pages (re-read)
  12. The Hero Strikes Back - Moira J. Moore (31/o3/10) - 308 pages
  13. Splendid - Julia Quinn (05/04/10) - 396 pages (re-read)
  14. Dancing at Midnight - Julia Quinn (11/04/10) - 375 pages (re-read)
  15. To Sir Phillip with Love - Julia Quinn (11/04/10) - 372 pages
  16. To Catch an Heiress - Julia Quinn (16/04/10) - 377 pages (Re-read)
  17. Heros book 3 (may bank holiday)
  18. Prudence
  19. Beastly - Alex Flinn (15/05/10)
  20. Boy A - Jonathan Tirgell (17/05/10) - 248 pages (Book Club)
  21. The Magic Flute - Iva Ibbotson (28/05/10) (Here is where i've neglected it, lost my order and dates and possibly which books have been read.... shall try my best)
  22. Do You Want Me? - India Knight
  23. Octavia - Jilly Cooper
  24. My Single Friend - Jane Costello
  25. ?
  26. The Duke and I - Julia Quinn
  27. Making Money - Terry Pratchett
  28. The Turning
  29. ?
  30. Harriet
  31. Aphrodite's Workshop for Reluctant Lovers - Marika Cobbold (21/08/10) - 302 pages
  32. ?
  33. ?
  34. ? various books, no idea how many.
  35. Lisa & Co - Jilly Cooper
  36. Riders - Jilly Cooper
  37. Bella - Jilly Cooper